Welcome to Prolinnova-India!

At the Prolinnova Oversight Group (POG) meeting in Bamako, Mali, in mid-March 2012, a new Country Platform (CP) was accepted into the Prolinnova Global Partnership Programme (GPP): Prolinnova-India. We welcome this newest member in our multi-stakeholder community of practice under the umbrella of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research for Development (GFAR).

Prolinnova-India is coordinated by Ms Sonali Bisht, Director of INHERE (Institute of Himalayan Environmental Research and Education). This youngest CP is already involved in a new regional initiative called LINEX-CCA: Local INnovation and EXperimentation: an entry point to Climate-Change Adaptation for sustainable livelihoods in Asia – together with the CPs in Cambodia and Nepal. LINEX-CCA is funded by Misereor, Germany.

Using this project as a “launching pad”, INHERE will continue to develop partnerships among diverse stakeholders in agricultural research and development (ARD) to promote farmer-led participatory innovation development (PID) in northern India. Prolinnova-India seeks full participation and voice for smallholders in research and policymaking on agriculture, leading to prosperity for resource-poor farmers. This means recognition of their knowledge and innovation efforts, proper use of public funds for ARD and increase in net income of the smallholders. Over time, multi-stakeholder platforms to promote local innovation by and with smallholders will be built up in other parts of India. The lead organisations of the core groups in each area will then come together to form a Prolinnova task force at national level.

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