Update from the Proli-FaNS project in Africa

The mid-year progress report of the Promoting local innovation for Food and Nutrition Security” (Proli-FaNS) project up to July 2017 gives an overview of activities accomplished by the five Country Platforms involved – in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana and Kenya. These include preparations for farmer-led research, advocacy and documentation activities, and the work of the two new subregional coordinators in Western & Central Africa and in Eastern & Southern Africa to strengthen South–South learning and collaboration.

Proli-FaNS is funded by Misereor/Katholische Zentralstelle e.V. (Catholic Central Agency for Development Aid – KZE, Germany) through a grant from the “One World No Hunger” (SEWOH) initiative of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

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