Webinar 3 report from series “Linking with universities & research in PID”

Report available on Webinar 3, focussed on “Networking and resource mobilisation to support the process of integrating PID concepts and practices into universities and research institutions”.

In 2023-24, the Prolinnova network held a series of three webinars for network members to share experiences in integrating the Participatory Innovation Development (PID) approach into instititions of research and higher education. Webinar 1 took place in April 2023; see the report here. Webinar 2 in August 2023 focussed on experiences in building capacities within universities and research institutes to create conducive conditions for integrating PID; see the report here.

Webinar 3, focused on “Networking and resource mobilisation to support the process of integrating PID concepts and practices into universities and research institutions”, took place on 7 February 2024. The main presentation was about the experience of the Prolinnova Country Platform in Senegal. This was followed by a panel disussion that brought in experiences from Burkina Faso, Kenya and Sudan. The report on Webinar 3 can be found here.

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