As part of the process of regionalisation of the Prolinnova network, subregional taskforces have been created in Eastern & Southern Africa (ESA) and in West & Central Africa (WCA). These taskforces recently agreed on who will coordinate the interaction within each taskforce and with the respective subregional coordinator, Amanuel Assefa and Georges Djohy, in order to agree on subregional and regional strategies and activities in Africa and to help set up subregional “oversight groups” that will eventually replace the taskforces. These are thus interim governance bodies of the network in Africa. Brigid Letty from the Institute of Natural Resources (INR) in South Africa has been elected as the chair of the ESA taskforce, while Do Christophe Ouattara from World Neighbors in Burkina Faso will chair the WCA taskforce.
More information about the subregional platforms and the composition of the two taskforces can be found under ESA and WCA.