Scaling up Local Innovation Support Funds (LISFs)

This is a summary of scenarios for integrating complementary mechanisms for funding innovation by smallholders into mainstream agriculture development and research in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya and Uganda – an output of the “transition” phase of FAIR (Farmer Access to Innovation Resources).

Action research in eight countries in Africa and Asia under the umbrella of Prolinnova showed how LISFs can be set up and managed to channel resources directly to innovative farmers as individuals or groups to accelerate local innovation processes. Initial impact studies showed how relatively small amounts of funding at community level can accelerate local innovation processes. Encouraged by these findings, Prolinnova partners in four countries explored the best ways to integrate the LISF approach into mainstream agricultural research and development (ARD) and related funding mechanisms at national or subnational level. The Rockefeller Foundation supported a series of activities in 2012 to develop country-specific ways to scale up LISFs. The main findings and scenarios for integrating innovative mechanisms to fund innovation by smallholder farmers into ARD in the four countries are presented in this 4-page brief “Scaling up LISFs”.




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