
Publications & conference papers by Prolinnova partners


International Farmer Innovation Fair: a platform for promoting local innovation by Vincent Mariadho & Brigid Letty, with photos by Janish Wettasinha, in Appropriate Technology 51(3): 36–39

“We share knowledge until one becomes an expert” – learning through the eyes of local women experts in child nutrition in Kenya by Patricia Kiprono, Hussein Wario, Brigitte Kaufmann & Ann Waters-Bayer, with photos by Zulekha Abdulkadir, in Appropriate Technology 51(3): 39–41

Both articles can be found together here.

Action funds stimulate mutual learning about child nutrition in Benin by Paul Jimmy, Honorat Edja, Brigitte Kaufmann & Ann Waters-Bayer, in Appropriate Technology 51(2): 55–57

Ghanaian experience in helping women farmers improve sales of a local innovation by Joseph Nchor & Albert Avoka, in Appropriate Technology 51(2): 57–58

Both articles can be found together here.

Finding new ways to improve household poultry production by Mfundo Myende, Thabo Makhubedu & Mzo Mndali, in Appropriate Technology 51 (1): 54–55

Farmer innovators in northern Ghana receive awards at National Farmers Day 2023 by Ayamga Samuel Atia & Joseph Nchor, in Appropriate Technology 51 (1): 56–57

Traditional practices reinforce Ugandan farmers’ capacities to respond to shocks by Ssentongo Daudi, in Appropriate Technology 51 (1): 58


Competition for farmer innovators in managing water in Burkina Faso, by Hamadé Sigué, Augustin Ouédraogo, Kouété Paul Jimmy & Ann Waters-Bayer, in Appropriate Technology 50 (4): 50–52, including a box “Woman farmer’s innovation: growing aubergines in furrows” (p. 52) – French translation: Compétition pour les paysans innovateurs dans la gestion de l’eau agricole au Burkina Faso

Zanguga community in Ghana innovates to restore “Kundunvori” biodiversity, by Issifu Sulemana, Joseph Nchor & Samuel Ayamga, in Appropriate Technology 50 (4): 53–55.

Rural women in Mozambique innovate to restore their landscape, in Appropriate Technology 50 (3): 42–44, by Romuald Rutazihana, Domingos Tsucane, Gilda Fafitine & Jacob Wanyama

Observing local innovation in Swayimane, South Africa, in Appropriate Technology 50 (3): 45–46, by Mzo Mndali, Thabo Makhubedu & Brigid Letty

Workshop on promoting farmer innovation in Benin unleashes local capacities for farmer-led research and development, in Appropriate Technology 50 (2): 14–16, by Nicole Sarah, Léonard Adjé, Georges Djohy & Ouorou Boun Ouorou Ganni

ILEIA and Compas publications on agroecology digitalised, in Appropriate Technology 50 (2): 17, by Ann Waters-Bayer

Farmers’ varieties mitigate and adapt to climate change in South India, in Appropriate Technology 50 (1): 18–20, by TJ James, Hubby Mathew & Stebin Sebastian

Promoting women’s innovation for food and nutrition security, in Appropriate Technology 50 (1): 21, by ELI-FaNS project coordinator Joe Nchor & Ann Waters-Bayer


Using Mohlopi tree roots to make caffeine-free coffee in Limpopo Province, South Africa, in Appropriate Technology 49 (4): 18–19, by Ernest Letsoalo, Richard Chuene & Believe Hlahla

Rural South African women collaborate with engineer for better water, in Appropriate Technology 49 (4): 20–21, by Brigid Letty, Bawinile Mtolo, Zinhle Ntombela & Mfundo Myende

Solidarity calabash for developing agroecology in Senegal in Appropriate Technology 49 (3), by Djibril Thiam, Peter Gubbels, Assane Guèye & Ann Waters-Bayer

Local food fair for joint learning on child nutrition / UNDP approves PK’s funding proposal in Appropriate Technology 49 (2)

Learning from Covid-19 to improve food and nutrition security (pdf 518 KB) in Appropriate Technology 49 (1), by Vincent Mariadho, Prolinnova–Kenya coordinator and Recognising farmer innovation in water management in northern Senegal, by Oumy Ndiaye & Abdel-Karim Ali Mahamane


The March 2021 issue of Appropriate Technology (AT) 48 (1) published two articles on women innovators in Kenya and Nepal:

The June 2021 issue of AT 48 (2) includes three articles about Prolinnova – one on social innovation for improved food & water security in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa; one on setting up a multistakeholder platform to promote farmer-led research and innovation in Benin; and one on the election of three new members in the Prolinnova Oversight Group (POG) – Ibrahima Seck from Senegal, TJ James from India and Violet Kirigua from Kenya:

The September 2021 issue of AT 48 (3) brings a 2-page article “First innovation fair celebrates farmer ingenuity in Cameroon” written by Abdel-Karim Ali Mahamane, Prolinnova’s Subregional Coordinator in West & Central Afrca, and Jean-Bosco Etoa, Prolinnova-Cameroon coordinator. The article highlights the awards given during the fair to young people – male and female – for their innovations in food processing.


Bringing women innovators to the fore: engaging in gender-responsive farmer-led innovation and research – Guidelines for facilitators, compiled by Chesha Wettasinha & Mona Dhamankar of the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), Amsterdam, with funding from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations:

Collaboration between farmer innovators and formal scientists in Participatory Innovation Development (PID)  (pdf 2 MB)
Cases from five Country Platforms in the Proli-FaNS (Promoting local innovation for food and nutrition security) project
edited by Ann Waters-Bayer, Brigid Letty, Chesha Wettasinha, Georges Djohy & Joseph Nchor


Le projet FaReNe et l’approche participative : les expériences du Mali et du Burkina Faso (pdf 4.9 MB); the individual papers can also be found on the Country Platform pages of Burkina Faso and Mali.


Some guidelines for organising a Farmer Innovation Fair (pdf 1.8 MB)

Quelques lignes directrices pour organiser une Foire de l’Innovation Paysanne


Farmer governance of local agricultural research and innovation. The African Technopolitan 5 (Jan 2016), pp 114–119.

As part of the study “Development Outcomes of Local Innovation” (DOLI), Prolinnova made two in-depth case studies of the longer-term impact of a farmer-led-research approach on the small-scale farming communities involved and on other stakeholders in agricultural research and development (ARD):

Compilation of cases of joint experimentation from Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Eight cases of farmer-led joint experimentation in agriculture or NRM – two from each of the four Country Platforms involved in the CLIC-SR (Combining Local Innovative Capacity with Scientific Research) initiative in Eastern Africa.

Small-scale farmer innovation for sustainable agriculture: building on indigenous knowledge to move towards farmer-led joint research, by Chesha Wettasinha. CAPSA-UNESCAP Palawija Forum 33 (3): 1–6.

Small-scale farmer innovation: how agricultural research works together with farmers. Misereor (Germany), Prolinnova, McKnight Foundation and the German development magazine WeltSichten brought out a dossier in English, French and German on small-scale farmer innovation. French version: Innovation paysanne; German version: Bäuerliche Innovation.

Des feuilles mortes pour redonner vie à la terre: l’expérience de Tani Lankoandé, by Gabriela Quiroga, Ingrid Flink, Bourgou Tsuamba, Fatoumata Batta & Inoussa Maïga

Dans les pays du Sahel, le changement climatique est de nos jours l’une des principales contraintes auxquelles font face les agriculteurs et agricultrices. Mais ce phénomène est aussi pour ces derniers une source d’inspiration intarissable. Çà et là, on recense des agriculteurs et agricultrices qui, pour s’adapter à un environnement de moins en moins propice à l’activité agricole, font appel à leur esprit créatif. Ils mettent en place des innovations à partir de leur observation, à partir de connaissances endogènes et en utilisant des matériaux locaux. Des innovations qui, progressivement, changent leur vie et créent un impact dans leur communauté. Cet article partage l’expérience de Tani Lankoandé.

There is an increasing recognition that smallholder farmers worldwide are innovators in their own right. They adapt to changing conditions in order to survive. Climate change is adding to the challenges they need to address. Discovering how and why farmers innovate is important for outsiders to appreciate and understand what local people are already trying to do to improve their situation. This article was inspired by a women farmer-led innovation adapting to climate change in Burkina Faso and is available in French.

Small-scale farmers’ perspectives on what enhances capacity to innovate. Wettasinha C, Diop JM et al. 12th European IFSA (International Farming Systems Association) Symposium, Harper Adams University, Newport, UK, 12–15 July 2016 


Exploring the impact of farmer-led research support by civil society organisations. Waters-Bayer et al. Agriculture & Food Security 4:4.

Role of local innovation in mechanisation of maize shelling: evidence from Igabi, Chikun and Kajuru Local Government Areas, Kaduna State, Nigeria. Adeleye O, Bako S, Afiemo OG, Alli-Balogun K & Agbo R. Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development 7(5): 170–175

Best practices of smallholder farmers in Ethiopia II

Best Practice Association (BPA) and the Institute for Sustainable Development (ISD) have compiled descriptions of innovative practices developed by small-scale farmers. The stories celebrate the innovative capacity of Ethiopian farmers and are meant to inspire other farmers as well as professionals in ARD. This is the second book in the series “Stories of change at the grassroots”. For more information, contact Hailu Araya ( & Yohannes Gebremichael (  

Ten years of promoting farmer-led innovation (pdf 4.53 MB)


Impacts of  farmer-led research supported by civil society organizations. Wettasinha C et al. CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems. Penang, Malaysia. Working Paper: AAS-2014-40

Guide pratique en expérimentation conjointe (Practical guide to joint experimentation) – in French (PROFEIS Mali)

Modules méthodologiques et pédagogiques de Développement Participatif de l’Innovation / Methodological and pedagogical modules for Participatory Innovation Development – in French (PROFEIS Mali)

Farmer-led research featured at Tropentag 2014 in Prague


Some examples of best practices by smallholder farmers in Ethiopia
edited by Hailu Araya, Yohannes Gebremichael & Sue Edwards (1st book in series “Stories of change at the grassroots”)


Farmer Access to Innovation Resources: Findings and lessons learnt on facilitating Local Innovation Support Funds (pdf 1.8 MB). Prolinnova International Secretariat, ETC Foundation: June 2012

Presentations by Prolinnova at World Bank Agricultural Innovation Systems Workshop (30 May-1 June 2012):

– Farmer-managed funds for local innovation (

– Climate-resilient agriculture and agricultural innovation systems (

Bernard Triomphe (CIRAD) presentation on JOLISAA (Joint Learning in Innovation Systems in African Agriiculture) and other initiatives on innovation systems (

Paper on Prolinnova LISF piloting in the AIS sourcebook launched at the workshop:

Providing farmers with direct access to innovation funds by Bernard Triomphe, Mariana Wongtschowski, Anton Krone, Ann Waters-Bayer, David Lugg & Laurens van Veldhuizen, in: World Bank, Agricultural Innovation Systems – an investment sourcebook, Washington DC

Integrating PID into government extension systems
Prolinnova brief by Fanos Mekonnen Berke

Farmer-Led Documentation: learning from Prolinnova experiences (please see links below)
edited by Laurens van Veldhuizen, Ann Waters-Bayer, Chesha Wettasinha & Wim Hiemstra

Front Matters (pdf 490 KB) 
Chapter 1 (pdf 498 KB) 
Chapter 2 (pdf 899 KB)  
Chapter 3 (pdf 453 KB) 
Chapter 4 (pdf 1296 KB)  
Chapter 5 (pdf 1416 KB)  
Chapter 6 (pdf 1029 KB) 
Chapter 7 (pdf 821 KB)  
Chapter 8 (pdf 627 KB)  
Back Matters (pdf 458 KB)


Strengthening local adaptative capacity: the key to resilience in the face of climate change by Ann Waters-Bayer, Chesha Wettasinha, Laurens van Veldhuizen, Yohannes GebreMichael & Saidou Magagi, in GFAR’s Voices of Change and Tropentag 2012 Göttingen/Kassel-Witzenhausen

Making partnerships work (pdf 1 MB)


Assessing the impact of grassroots innovation in agriculture (pdf 583 KB)
by Brigid Letty, Zanele Shezi & Maxwell Mudhara, Prolinnova-SA; presented at GLOBELICS International Conference, 15-17 Nov 2011, Buenos Aires, Argentina (GLOBELICS:  Global Network for Economics of Learning, Innovation & Competence Building Systems)

Institutionalising PID in Tigray (pdf 4580 KB) by Fanos Mekonnen Birke

More than climate change: pressures leading to innovation by pastoralists in Ethiopia and Niger  (pdf 329 KB) by Yohannes GebreMichael

Prolinnova contribution to 2011 State of the World  “Farmers take the lead in research and development” (pdf 336 KB) by Brigid Letty, Qureish Noordin, Saidu Magagi & Ann Waters-Bayer


Farmer-led joint research (pdf 3649 KB) compiled and edited by Chesha Wettasinha & Ann Waters-Bayer

MSc study published on experiences in South Africa in changing policies towards acceptance of PID (pdf 3095 KB); MSc thesis International Development Studies, Femke van der Lee; 1st supervisor: Prof. L. Visser; 2nd supervisor: L. van Veldhuizen

Recognising local innovation in livestock-keeping – a path to empowering women  (pdf 1694 KB) by Brigid Letty & Ann Waters-Bayer. Rural Development News 1/2010: 27–31. AGRIDEA, Lindau, Switzerland

Emerging responses to climate change in pastoral systems (MS Word 113 KB) by Yohannes GebreMichael, Wolfgang Bayer & Ann Waters-Bayer. Keynote address at international conference on “Pastoralism and climate change adaptation in Africa”, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya, 24–28 May 2010 

Local Innovation Support Funds Impact Assessment Guidelines (draft) by Bernard Triomphe, Sam Vitou, Tesfahun Fenta, Chesha Wettasinha & Mariana Wongtschowski (38pp)


Building partnerships to promote local innovation processes. In: Ian Scoones & John Thompson (eds), Farmer First Revisited: Innovation for Agricultural Research and Development, Practical Action Publishing, Rugby, Warwickshire, UK, pp 144–150.

Ecological agriculture in Uganda and the contribution of farmer innovation (pdf 1140 KB) by Helen Kranstauber, VU University Amsterdam

Notes on Local Innovation and Participatory Innovation Development (pdf 136 KB)
These notes attempt to shed light on key concepts used within the Prolinnova network.

Process documentation of experiences in facilitating FLD in Tigray, Ethiopia  (pdf 709 KB) by Fetien Abay & Gebrecherkos Gebregiorgis

Women documenting their innovations: outcomes of a farmer-led documentation process in Tigray, Ethiopia  (pdf 630 KB); this appears as a printed booklet in English and Tigrigna for use in development organisations and schools in Tigray. 


Recognising local innovation: experiences of Prolinnova partners. A publication in the series on Promoting Local Innovation. Chesha Wettasinha, Mariana Wongtschowski & Ann Waters-Bayer (eds). Silang, Cavite, Philippines: IIRR / Leusden: Prolinnova International Secretariat, ETC EcoCulture. Revised version, August 2008. ISBN 1-930261-16-0.

From degradation to innovation: the effect of support and funding in promoting local innovation in Kikandwa Environmental Association, Uganda (pdf 2.54 MB) by Kim Hagen. MSc thesis, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Faculteit der Aard‐ en Levenswetenschappen, Environment and Resource Management.

Innovation Africa: enriching farmers’ livelihoods (pdf 6 MB) by Pascal Sanginga, Ann Waters-Bayer, Susan Kaaria, Jemimah Njuki & Chesha Wettasinha. Earthscan, London. Paperback 384 pp • 978-1-84407-672-7.  View book flyer  
View complete list of chapters – Earthscan website 

FAIR – Farmer Access to Innovation Resources (pdf 1.51 MB) by Laurens van Veldhuizen, Anton Krone, Mariana Wongtschowski & Ann Waters-Bayer. Rural Development News 2/2008 published by Agridea, Lindau, Switzerland: pp47–52 (summary of report on first 2-year phase of piloting Local Innovation Support Funds in Cambodia, Ethiopia, Nepal, South Africa & Uganda)

Participatory innovation development in water management in Tigray, Ethiopia (pdf 1.87 MB) by Hailu Araya, Kiflay Tebari, Leul HaileSelassie & Guesh WoldeSelassie. Rural Development News 2/2008 published by Agridea, Lindau, Switzerland: pp53-57 (this is about Abadi Redehay, a local innovator in water management, who is working together with other farmers and development agents of the Tahtai Maichew District Agriculture and Rural Development Office in northern Ethiopia to see how his innovation can be adapted to fields).

Farmers’ seed management and innovation in varietal selection: implication for barley breeding in Tigray, northern Ethiopia (pdf 4.11 MB) by Fetien Abay, Ann Waters-Bayer & Åsmund Bjørnstad, published in the June 2008 issue of Ambio: A Journal of the Human Environment 37 (4): 312–320 (copyright Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 2008; printed by Allen Press, Lawrence, Kansas, USA- 


The story of a smart water harvester in Tigray Region, Ethiopia by Hailu Araya, in: B van Waes & D Bouman (eds), Small water harvesting solutions: examples of innovative, low-cost technologies for rain, fog, runoff water and groundwater (Netherlands Water Partners / Aqua for All), pp 36–39 (pdf 919 KB)-

Supporting Local Innovation in Nepal by Sharad Rai (pdf 396 KB)-

Participatory research that builds on local innovation in beekeeping to escape poverty (pdf 92 KB) by Hailu Araya, Yohannes GebreMichael, Abera GebreAmlak & Ann Waters-Bayer, presented and discussed at the Tropentag, University of Bonn, 11–13 October 2006, Conference on International Agricultural Research for Development.

Trees are our backbone: integrating environment and local development in Tigray Region of Ethiopia (pdf 930 KB). Issue Paper # 145, IIED, by Yohannes GebreMichael & Ann Waters-Bayer. ISBN 978-1-84369-661-2; ISSN 1357 9312. IIED Dryland Issue Papers: French version (pdf 842 KB)

Prolinnova at work: highlights in 2004–2006 (pdf 208 KB)  Brochure printed by IIRR.

Natural mineral licks to enhance livestock growth. (pdf 175 KB) in March 2007 issue of Appropriate Technology (pp 46–48) by N Karbo, CSIR-Animal Research Institute, Nyankpala Station, Tamale, Ghana. Reproduced with permission of Research Information Ltd from Appropriate Technology 34 (1) 2007; see 

Facilitating multi-stakeholder partnerships: lessons from Prolinnova A publication in the series on Promoting Local Innovation. Will Critchley, Miranda Verburg & Laurens van Veldhuizen (eds). Silang, Cavite, Philippines: IIRR / Leusden: Prolinnova International Secretariat, ETC EcoCulture. December 2006. ISBN 1-930261-15-2. 


Endogenous and modern innovations: differing perspectives (Ethiopia)
by Hailu Araya & Yohannes GebreMichael. 2006. IK Notes 96. Washington DC: World Bank. 4pp.

Research and development towards sustainable agriculture by resource-poor farmers in sub-Saharan Africa: some strategic and organisational considerations in linking farmer practical needs with policies and scientific theories
by Willem Stoop and Tim Hart. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 3 (3). Note: The authors of the article and the journal publishers have graciously permitted Prolinnova to make the pdf version available here (pdf 99 KB).

Partnering for farmer-led research and extension, (MS Word 218 KB) by Monique Salomon & Brigid Letty. Presented at the South African Society for Agricultural Extension Congress in May 2006.

The people and their cattle communal grazing in the Northern Drakensberg  (MS Word: 238 KB) by Monique Salomon. Presented at South African Society for Agricultural Extension Congress, May 2006. 


Bridging the gap (pdf 83 KB); reprinted from Appropriate Technology 32 (4).

Addressing rural poverty in Africa through agricultural research and development: alternative and complementary approaches
by Laurens van Veldhuizen, Ann Waters-Bayer & Mariana Wongtschowski. Invited paper for American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) meeting, 21–22 Feb 2005, Washington DC . 12pp.

Across the divide: linkages in the absence of extension services (MS Word 52 KB) by Tim Hart & Roberta Burgess. Paper awarded prize for best scientific paper at 39th Conference of South African Society for Agricultural Extension, 10–12 May 2005, Holiday Inn Garden Court, Bloemfontein, Free State Province. 7pp.

Catalogue of farmer innovations – Prolinnova– South Africa inception phase 2004
edited by Hannes de Villiers, Laurel Oettle & Monique Salomon. Pietermaritzberg: Midnet. 18pp (launched at opening of Prolinnova-SA workshop, 15–16 Feb 2005).

Farmer-centered innovation development: experiences and challenges from South Asia (pdf 2.78 MB)
Proceedings and papers of a regional workshop held at Bogra, Bangladesh, 22–25 Nov 2004; edited by Annette Kolff, Laurens van Veldhuizen & Chesha Wettasinha. Documentalists: AFM Akhtaruzzaman & Md Nayeemul Karim. Berne: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) / Intercooperation. 156pp.

IK Notes (World Bank Knowledge and Learning Centre, Washington DC , 2005):

76. Promoting local innovation: enhancing IK dynamics and links with scientific knowledge (pdf 61 KB) by Ann Waters-Bayer & Laurens van Veldhuizen. 4pp.

77. Burkina Faso : indigenous innovation in farmer-to-farmer extension (pdf 45 KB) by Aly Ouedraogo & Hamado Sawadogo. 4pp.

78. South Africa : a smallholder farmer’s innovative approach to producing and exporting fruit (pdf 46 KB)
by Tim Hart, Aubrey Billet & Roberta Burgess. 4pp (reprinted in Rural Development News 2/2005: 45–48, Swiss Centre for Agricultural Extension and Rural Development).

79. Local innovations using traditional vegetables to improve soil quality, by Tim Hart

85. Innovation Support Funds for farmer-led research and development (pdf 33 KB) by Ann Waters-Bayer, Laurens van Veldhuizen, Mariana Wongtschowski & Scott Killough. 4pp.

Multi-stakeholder partnerships to integrate participatory approaches into institutions of agricultural research and development (MS Word 91 KB) by Ann Waters-Bayer, Laurens van Veldhuizen, Mariana Wongtschowski & Chesha Wettasinha. Keynote paper, Deutscher Tropentag, 11–13 October 2005, Stuttgart. 10pp.

Partnership in action: Prolinnova. In: Global Forum on Agricultural Research Annual Report 2004 (Rome: GFAR), pp 20–25.

PTD/PID Circular: periodic update on Participatory Technology / Innovation Development, Issue 14: with annotated list of journals, magazines and series of papers in which PTD/PID experiences are and can be published. Edited by Chesha Wettasinha & Ann Waters-Bayer.

Social dimensions in agricultural research & development: how civil society fosters partnerships to promote local innovation by rural communities (MS Word: 107 KB) by Ann Waters-Bayer & Wolfgang Bayer. Keynote paper, European Forum on Agricultural Research for Development (EFARD), 27–29 April 2005, Zurich. 8pp.

Sourcebook on Participatory Research and Development for Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management. CIP-UPWARD, Los Banos. 3 volumes.

  • Developing partnerships to promote local innovation, by Ann Waters-Bayer, Laurens van Veldhuizen, Chesha Wettasinha & Mariana Wongtschowski
  • Farmer innovation as entry point to participatory research and extension, by Chris Reij & Ann Waters-Bayer
  • Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation with pastoralists, by Ann Waters-Bayer, Wolfgang Bayer & Annette von Lossau
  • Participatory approaches to agricultural research and extension, by Scott Killough
  • Participatory Technology Development where there is no researcher, by Laurens van Veldhuizen, Ann Waters-Bayer & Chesha Wettasinha

Unlocking farmers’ potential: institutionalising Farmer Participatory Research and Extension in Southern Ethiopia (pdf 458 KB) by Ejigu Jonfa & Ann Waters-Bayer; 2nd publication in FARM-Africa’s Project Experiences Series, drawing from work carried out by FARM-Africa and partners to incorporate Farmer Participatory Research into the activities of government organisations involved in developing and disseminating agricultural technologies. 


Developing partnerships to promote local innovation by Ann Waters-Bayer, Laurens van Veldhuizen, Chesha Wettasinha & Mariana Wongtschowski. Journal for Agricultural Education and Extension 10 (3): 143–150.

Developing technology with farmers: a trainer’s guide for participatory learning by Laurens van Veldhuizen, Ann Waters-Bayer & Henk de Zeeuw, 1st published by ZED Books, London, 1997; reprinted by IIRR, Silang, Philippines, 2004.

IK Notes (World Bank Knowledge and Learning Centre, Washington DC , 2004) edited by Chesha Wettasinha & Ann Waters-Bayer:

70. “My name is Mawcha Gebremedhin”: a woman innovator speaks (pdf 106 KB) recorded by Mengistu Hailu

71. Participatory video: rural people document their knowledge and innovations (pdf 129 KB) by Chris Lunch

72. Regional radio in Tunisia : linking indigenous innovation and formal research and development (pdf 100 KB) by Noureddine Nasr

74. Building multi-stakeholder partnerships to promote farmer experimentation and innovation in Ghana (pdf 86 KB) by Joy Bruce, N Karbo & Malex Alebekiya

The interface between indigenous and modern knowledge systems by Tesfaye Beshah, in: ESAP (ed.), Proceedings of 12 th Annual Conference of the Ethiopian Society of Animal Production, 12–14 August 2004, Addis Ababa.

Local innovation and participatory innovation development: the concepts and their application in livestock-related research and development by Ann Waters-Bayer, in: ESAP (ed.), Proceedings of 12th Annual Conference of the Ethiopian Society of Animal Production, 12–14 August 2004, Addis Ababa pp 1-9.

New initiatives in smallholder natural resource management: Prolinnova by Ann Waters-Bayer, in PLEC News and Views, New Series 4 (March 2004): 19.

Participatory Innovation Development Training of Stakeholders, 14–16 Sept 2004: training manual
compiled by Vusumuzi Sithole & Hannes de Villiers. Pietermaritzburg: Midnet.

Proceedings of the First International Prolinnova Workshop, 8–12 March 2004, Yirgalem, Ethiopia
produced by PROFIEET (Promoting Farmer Innovation and Experimentation in Ethiopia) and Prolinnova International Support Team. Addis Ababa: AgriService Ethiopia / Silang, Cavite : IIRR (also available as CD-ROM). 210pp.

Promoting local innovation in ecologically-oriented agriculture and NRM: progress made since 2003, by Fred Kafeero. Paper presented to the GFAR Steering Committee meeting, October 2004.

Promotion of farmer innovation and experimentation in Ethiopia: an emerging platform to link farmer innovation with research and development, by Amanuel Assefa, in: ESAP (ed.), Proceedings of 12 th Annual Conference of the Ethiopian Society of Animal Production, 12–14 August 2004, Addis Ababa.

Promoting local innovation, from dispersed local programme to international programme by Laurens van Veldhuizen. Paper presented at the Environmental Week, October 2004.

Promotion of Farmer Innovation and Experimentation in Ethiopia (PROFIEET) National Workshop Proceedings, 25–27 August 2003, Ethiopian Management Institute, Debre Zeit, Ethiopia, edited by Amanuel Assefa, Teshome Dahessa, Yohannes GebreMichael & Ann Waters-Bayer. Addis Ababa: AgriService Ethiopia.

PTD/PID Circular: periodic update on Participatory Technology/Innovation Development, Issue 13, with “Top 20” publications on local innovation and participatory innovation development, edited by Chesha Wettasinha

Towards the institutionalisation of participatory approaches: the role of partnerships, by Ann Waters-Bayer, Laurens van Veldhuizen, Chesha Wettasinha & Mariana Wongtschowski. IRSA (International Rural Sociology Association) XI World Congress on Rural Sociology, Trondheim, Norway, 25–30 July 2004. 12pp.

Brief articles about Prolinnova in newsletters:

  • Prolinnova, in IK Worldwide: Linking Global and Indigenous Knowledge, March 2004, pp 7–8
  • Prolinnova, in IK News Asia : Linking Regional and Indigenous Knowledge, April 2004, pp 6–7
  • An expanding network: Promoting Local Innovation, Prolinnova, in GFAR (Global Forum on Agricultural Research) Newsletter, December 2004, pp 6–7
  • Les Global Partnership Programmes du GFAR: La promotion d’innovation en milieu rural (Prolinnova), in La Lettre d’Agropolis, avril–mai 2004, p4 


Advancing PTD: case studies on integration into agricultural research, extension and education edited by Chesha Wettasinha , Laurens van Veldhuizen & Ann Waters-Bayer. Silang, Cavite: IIRR / CTA. 257pp

Keeping track, changing track: participatory monitoring and evaluation with pastoralists by Ann Waters-Bayer, Wolfgang Bayer & Annette von Lossau. Poster paper, VII International Rangeland Congress, Durban, South Africa, 28 July–1 August 2003. 3pp

Participatory approaches to innovation in the rangelands by Ann Waters-Bayer, Wolfgang Bayer & Will Critchley. Invited paper, VII International Rangeland Congress, Durban, South Africa, 28 July–1 August 2003. 11pp.

Pastoral innovations and participatory development by Wolfgang Bayer & Ann Waters-Bayer. Poster paper, Deutscher Tropentag 2003 “Technological and Institutional Innovations for Sustainable Rural Development”, 8–10 October 2003, Goettingen, Germany.

Promotion of Farmer Innovation and Experimentation in Ethiopia (PROFIEET) by Amanuel Assefa. Paper presented to the GFAR Steering Committee meeting, October 2003, Nairobi, Kenya.

Die Rolle kleiner NRO in der Förderung partizipativer Forschung und Entwicklung in der ökologischen Ressourcennutzung: das Beispiel von Prolinnova by Ann Waters-Bayer. In: Waters-Bayer A & Pich S (eds), Möglichkeiten und Grenzen kleiner Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NRO) bei der Förderung ökologischer Landnutzung: Arbeitsdokument des AGRECOL e.V. Wochenendtreffens vom 19.–21. September 2003 in Bad Gandersheim-Ackenhausen, pp 11–14.

Rural knowledge systems and innovation processes by Ann Waters-Bayer (rapporteur). In: GFAR (ed.), Linking research and rural innovation to sustainable development: proceedings of the GFAR 2003 conference, 22–24 May 2003, Dakar, Senegal (Rome: GFAR), pp 125–130.

Little bugs, big problems by Tim Hart, Roberta Burgess & Hans Hugo. LEISA Magazine 19 (4): 6–8.

The soil makers: analysis of local socio-technical innovations and transformation of Irobland farmers, northeast Ethiopia by Mengistu Hailu. Thesis for MSc programme Management of Agricultural Knowledge Systems (MAKS), Wageningen University. 106pp.  


Daldal: dams to trap silt and water – an Irob innovation in northern Ethiopia by Ann Waters-Bayer & Mengistu Hailu. In: Boven K & Morohashi J (eds), Best practices using indigenous knowledge (The Hague: Nuffic / Paris: UNESCO / MOST), pp 93–103.

Developing technology in organic agriculture – keynote address by Chesha Wettasinha, in: Johannes Kotschi, Wolfgang Bayer, Thomas Becker & Berthold Schrimpf (eds), AlterOrganic: local agenda for organic agriculture in rural development: proceedings of an international workshop at Bonn-Königswinter, Germany, 21–24 October 2002 (Marburg: Agrecol e.V.), pp 35–41.

Institutionalising Farmer ParticipatoryResearch: lessons from a comparative study by Laurens van Veldhuizen, Ann Waters-Bayer, Scott Killough, Marise Espineli & Julian Gonsalves. In: Leeuwis C & Pyburn R (eds), Wheelbarrows full of frogs: social learning in rural resource management (Wageningen University and Research Centre), pp 375–387.

Participatory monitoring and evaluation (PM&E) with pastoralists: a review of experiences and annotated bibliography by Wolfgang Bayer & Ann Waters-Bayer. Eschborn: GTZ / ETC. 90pp.

Participatory Technology Development: challenges for institutional integration edited by Sophie Lizares-Bodegon, Julian Gonsalves, Scott Killough, Ann Waters-Bayer, Laurens van Veldhuizen & Marise Espineli. Silang, Cavite: IIRR. 110pp.

Promotion of Farmer Innovation and Experimentation in Ethiopia (PROFIEET): Proceedings of awareness creation seminar for policymakers organized by AgriService Ethiopia and Mekelle University, 11–12 January 2002, Global Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; edited by Fiker Assefa, Ann Waters-Bayer & Amanuel Assefa. Addis Ababa: AgriService Ethiopia. 98pp.

Rural transformation and agricultural innovation processes by Ann Waters-Bayer. Invited paper for European Forum on Agricultural Research for Development, 15–17 May 2002, Rome . 10pp.

Towards participation in technology development and technology transfer programmes: a case from smallholder researchers in the deciduous fruit sector in South Africa by Tim Hart. In: Proceedings of the 36th Conference of the South African Society for Agricultural Extension and the 18 th Conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education, 26–30 May 2002, Elangeni Holiday Inn, Durban, South Africa. 


Learning for sustainability: incorporating participatory approaches into education for rural development in Ethiopia and Tanzania (PDF: 69 KB); Chapter 31 (pp 331-346) in the book Farmer Innovation in Africa: A Source of Inspiration for Agricultural Development, edited by Chris Reij & Ann Waters-Bayer, published by Earthscan, London, 2001. Posted on the Prolinnova website with the kind permission of Earthscan (

Farmer innovation in Africa: a source of inspiration for agricultural development edited by Chris Reij & Ann Waters-Bayer. London: Earthscan. 362pp.

Clapping with two hands: bringing together local and outside knowledge for innovation in land husbandry in Tanzania and Ethiopia – a comparative case study by OT Kibwana, Mitiku Haile, Laurens van Veldhuizen & Ann Waters-Bayer. Journal of Agricultural Education & Extension 7 (3): 133–142.

Institutionalising Farmer Participatory Research: lessons from a comparative study by Laurens van Veldhuizen, Ann Waters-Bayer, Scott Killough, Marise Espineli & Julian Gonsalves. Deutscher Tropentag: Conference on International Agricultural Research for Development, 9–11 Oct. 2001, Bonn, Germany. 8pp.

The process of change in international agricultural research for development and the role of NGOs by Ann Waters-Bayer. In: Gura S (ed), Food without farmers? Agricultural research needs a profoundly changed CGIAR (Bonn: Forum Environment and Development), pp 45–58.

Promoting local innovation in ecological agriculture and NRM: from dispersed local initiatives to a global programme by Ann Waters-Bayer. Technical Workshop pn Methodologies, Organization and Management of Global Partnership Programmes, 9–10 October 2001, IFAD, Rome. 8pp. 


Grassroots innovation edited by Nourredine Nasr, Ann Waters-Bayer, Marilyn Minderhoud-Jones, Ingrid Huibers-Govaert & Coen Reijntjes. ILEIA Newsletter 16 (2). 40pp. (French version: Promouvoir l’innovation paysanne, 36pp; Spanish version: Innovación desde las bases, 36pp).

Managing knowledge for local innovation by Ann Waters-Bayer. Ground Up 1 (2): 24.

New partnerships in knowledge management for local innovation by Ann Waters-Bayer. In: Proceedings of the GFAR-2000 Conference “Strengthening Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development in the Context of Globalization”, 21–23 May 2000, Dresde , Germany. Rome: Global Forum on Agricultural Research (CD-ROM).

Unleashing the creativity of farmers by Ann Waters-Bayer, Coen Reijntjes & Nourredine Nasr. Landmark 37: 10–11 (Lâcher la créativité des paysans. Agri-Repère 37: 6–7). 

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