On 1 October, we had our first virtual marketplace for Prolinnova Country Platforms (CPs). It was attended by 42 participants from various CPs, members of the Prolinnova Oversight Group, International Support Group and Friends of Prolinnova. Thanks to all the CPs and the farmer innovators for documenting the local innovation and PID processes. The videos and PPT presentations made by CP members, including farmer innovators, provided a great opportunity to share with and learn from each other. Thanks to A Growing Culture (AGC), who worked over the last few months assisting CP members to develop storytelling skills and also the videos and other visual materials that were sharedat the marketplace. Thanks also to Georges, Domingos, Romuald and Wanyama for translating the CP contributions.
The marketplace highlighted some examples of local innovation and participatory innovation development (PID). It prepared the ground for this year’s International Partners Workshop (IPW), which focussed on sharing and learning about institutionalising the approach of promoting farmer innovation and PID, as well as multi-CP collaboration as a step toward regionalisation of the network (for more about the IPW 2021, see: http://www.prolinnova.net/content/international-partners-workshop-ipw-2021). At the marketplace, each CP had a 10-minute slot for presentation and discussion. Presentations were made by the CPs in Benin, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Ghana, India, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Nepal, Philippines, Senegal, South Africa and Sudan.
Thanks to everyone for participating in such an interesting and valuable event!