Prolinnova option for bridging gap between research & farmers

On 7–8 May 2014, Ann Waters-Bayer of the Prolinnova International Support Team took part in the final workshop on the assessment study of demand for and supply of agricultural innovations for smallholder farming, hosted by the German International Cooperation (GIZ) and ICIPE (African Insect Science for Food and Health) in Nairobi, Kenya. Participants included farmer organisations, NGOs, private and public sector, international agricultural research centres, FAO, EU, regional agencies and GIZ representatives. The assessment in southern Africa was made by Brigid Letty, coordinator of Prolinnova–South Africa.

The main purposes of the workshop were to discuss and validate findings on the assessment of the demand-supply match for agricultural innovations in Africa and to draw lessons for all stakeholders regarding best options for strengthening innovation systems. During the workshop, three major pathways for improving innovation systems were discussed: i) through extension services; ii) through innovation platforms; and iii) through farmer-led participatory research and development, such as supported by Prolinnova.

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