Prolinnova Mozambique Annual Report 2022

In early 2022, the Mozambique Government relieved most restrictive measures that had been put in place to prevent Covid-19, so Prolinnova–Mozambique could resume some activities to promote local innovation and participatory innovation development (PID), holding face-to-face meetings and receiving visits from outside the country. Major activities carried out in 2022 were:

  • Visit of the Prolinnova Subregional Coordinator (SRC) in Eastern & Southern Africa (ESA)
  • Consultation meeting of the National Steering Committee (NSC) of Prolinnova–Mozambique
  • Training courses on various themes related to Prolinnova
  • Participation of Prolinnova–Mozambique in the Africa Partners’ Workshop in Nairobi, Kenya
  • Other activities related to promoting local innovation and PID

This report (English version) describes these and other activities carried out during 2022. The Portuguese version of the report can be found here:

Relatório anual de 2022 da Prolinnova Moçambique-FINAL-PORT

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