Misereor-supported project LINEX-CCA in Asia

On 1 January 2012, a regional programme was started by Prolinnova partners in Cambodia, India and Nepal. “Local INnovation and EXperimentation: an entry point to Climate-Change Adaptation for sustainable livelihoods in Asia“ is known as LINEX–CCA for short. Misereor, Germany, is funding this for three years. The content coordination of LINEX–CCA lies with LI-BIRD in Nepal, the administrative coordination with CEDAC in Cambodia. The overall aim is, by using participatory innovation development (PID), to improve the livelihoods of rural communities, especially women, that depend on agriculture and are vulnerable to climate change. Also the capacities of local organisations will be strengthened to support these innovating, experimenting and adapting communities. Evidence will be provided to feed into policy dialogue at national and international level, designed to increase recognition of local capacities and initiatives in dealing with climate change.

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