Prolinnova-Ghana annual report 2021

The Country Platform (CP) in Ghana continued to implement two projects under the Prolinnova umbrella –SULCI-FaNS (Scaling Up Local Capacity to Innovate for Food and Nutrition Security) and Ethnoveterinary Medicine (Ethnovet) – with field activities in a total of six action-learning sites.

The governance and coordinating bodies of the CP – the National Steering Committee (NSC), the Working Group and the Multistakeholder Platforms (MSPs) at the sites remained very supportive in countrywide networking and field-level implementation and joint learning. A new member further strengthened the NSC: George-Owusu Essegbey, retired from the Science & Technology Policy Research Institute (STEPRI) of CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research). This increased the institutional representation and diversified the professional expertise to improve CP governance.

Following the further easing of Covid-19 restrictions in late 2020, social and economic activities in Ghana bounced back in 2021, allowing for better implementation of the activities of the two projects and the CP as a whole.

The 2021 report summarises the key achievements of the CP during the year and also includes a self-assessment of the CP’s functioning.

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