Proli-FaNS webpage launched on this website

Promoting local innovation for Food and Nutrition Security” (Proli-FANS) is a 3-year project being implemented by Prolinnova Country Platforms (CPs) in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana and Kenya with funding from Misereor/Catholic Central Agency for Development Aid through a grant from the “One World No Hunger” (SEWOH) initiative of the German Government. The Association of Church-based Development Projects (ACDEP), host of Prolinnova-Ghana, coordinates Proli-FaNS on behalf of the Prolinnova network.

The aims of the project are to strengthen the innovation capacity of rural communities, particularly women, and increase local resilience to change, as well as to contribute to building multi-CP subregional platforms in West & Central Africa and in Eastern & Southern Africa for mutual learning and enagagement in policy dialogue. ACDEP has launched the new webpage “Food and Nutrition Security Proli-FaNS” on this website:

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