Proli-FaNS launched in Bongo District of Upper East Region of Ghana

The Navrongo-Bolgatanga Catholic Diocesan Development Office (NABOCADO), in collaboration with the Association of Church-based Development projects (ACDEP), has launched a three-year project in the Bongo District of the Upper East Region to promote local innovation for food and nutrition security (Proli-FaNS) under the umbrella of the international Prolinnova network.

The project will focus on developing the effective and innovative capacities of smallholder farmers in rural communities to improve food security and nutrition, as well as nutritional diversity.

Speaking at the project launch in Bongo-Soe, NABOCADO Human Development Coordinator, Joseph Ayembilla, explained that the project is aimed at strengthening the innovation capacity of farmers in rural communities, particularly women, to sustain their farm and livestock productivity and to increase local resilience to climate change.

He added that recognised women innovators will be supported in further developing their innovations.

The occasion was graced by the paramount chief of the Bongo Traditional area, Bongo Naaba Salifu Alemyarem, the District Director of the Department of Agriculture, Edgar Drah, and some Local Government representatives.

“The Proli-FaNS project will be implemented in Bongo Soe, Kabre, Zuo, Kanseringa and Senabisi. The rest are Soboko, Kamuugu, Ayelbia, Feo and Adaboya. The focus is on innovation in production, food storage, processing, marketing and consumption of food crops and livestock products. There will also be a local multi-stakeholder platform to support the project implementation and promote learning, capacity building on local innovation, policy influence and networking.”

Upper East Regional Director of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture(MOFA), Rev. John Manu, lauded the intervention, adding that its successful implementation will address food insecurity and malnutrition.

Rev. Manu underscored the need to consolidate “small-scale farmers’ and rural women’s informal research and innovation, and to further develop them to sustain their production.”

He added that the project will focus more on smallholder women farmer innovators to help rural families escape hunger, malnutrition and poverty.

The occasion was also used to inaugurate a five-member executive of a local multi-stakeholder platform for the Proli-FaNS project.

The project is being funded by Misereor / Catholic Agency for Development Aid (KZE), Germany. It is being implemented in collaboration with the Prolinnova International Support Team at the International Secretariat based in the Netherlands.

In Ghana, the Proli-FaNS project is being implemented in Bongo and Yendi Districts of the Upper East and Northern Regions, respectively. It is also being implemented in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ethiopia and Kenya.

This article is an edited version of one originally published by citifm online.comvia with this link:

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