Brigid Letty from South Africa joins Prolinnova Oversight Group (POG)

Brigid Letty is a South African agricultural development specialist and principle scientist with the Institute of Natural Resources (INR) in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. She has a BSc in Agriculture (animal science), an MSc in range and forage science and a PhD in agroforestry systems from the University of KwaZulu-Natal (KZN). Before joining INR in 2003, she worked for six years in the Farming Systems Research Section of the KZN Department of Agriculture. With INR, she is engaged in analysing and facilitating multistakeholder innovation processes in small-scale farming. Brigid coordinated Prolinnova’s multi-CP project HAPID, focused on local innovation and participatory innovation development in the face of HIV/AIDS; as well as the action research in South Africa (SA) in the European Union project JOLISAA (Joint Learning in Innovation Systems in African Agriculture). She served earlier in the POG as an elected member representing CPs in anglophone Africa and played a key role in developing strategy documents for the Prolinnova network in the periods 2011–15 and 2016–20. She has coordinated the Prolinnova–SA platform since 2005. She led the taskforce in Eastern & Southern Africa (ESA) until she took over the role as interim Subregional Coordinator (SRC) in ESA in 2019–20. After a new SRC was selected, Brigid agreed to remain in the International Support Team, which she now represents in the POG, taking over the seat that had been held previously by Ann Waters-Bayer.

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