Roles / Duties
The National Co-ordinating Committee shall be the Technical and Management Advisory body to the Ghana Prolinnova Platform and its functions shall include:
- Working with the co-ordinating secretariat to facilitat work of the programme.
- Setting policy guidelines for the Ghana Platform
- Taking decisions on the Ghana Platform
- Reviewing and advising on Prolinnova Zonal Programmes
- Assisting the Ghana Prolinnova to raise funds for its activities.
- Consciously advocating for the instuitution of Prolinnova into the agenda of the National Agricultural Institutions in Ghana (both private and public).
- Any other duties referred to it by the zonal teams.
Term of Office
The Term of office of the National Co-ordinating Committee shall be for a period of three (3) years.
All incumbents except the institutions may be re-appointed for another one term, re-appointment shall be for a second term only.