Supporting local innovation is key to improving food and nutrition of small-scale farmers in Africa
Under the “Promoting local innovation for Food and Nutrition Security” (Proli-FaNS) project that was implemented from October 2016 to September 2019 in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana and Kenya, with funding from Misereor, Germany, the Prolinnova Country Platforms (CPs) in those countries assisted farmers and especially women at the action-learning sites to identify, document and disseminate over 150 local innovations to improve food and nutritional status and resilience in their communities. The innovations identified were in the domains of local nutritious foods, food processing, crop improvement, crop storage, animal health and husbandry, soil fertility and water conservation, environmental conservation, socio-institutional organisation and income generation through value addition.
Some more information about the innovations identified by the five CPs can be found here.