Inception workshops for two new Prolinnova projects

Participants in SULCI-FaNS inception workshop in Centre Mampuya, Senegal (Photo: Urban Fraefel)

Two new Prolinnova projects have been approved by the German development-support organisation Misereor / KZE (Katholische Zentralstelle e.V. / Catholic Central Agency for Development Aid) – namely, SULCI-FaNs (Scaling Up Local Capacity to Innovate for Food and Nutrition Security) in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana and Kenya; and Proli-GEAFaSa  (Promouvoir l’innovation locale dans la Gestion de l’Eau en Agriculture Familiale au Sahel / Promoting local innovation in water management in family farming in the Sahel) in Burkina Faso and Senegal.

The first one is coordinated by the NGO ACDEP (Association of Church-based Development Project) based in Tamale, Ghana, and commenced in October 2019 for three years. The second one is coordinated by the NGO AgriBioServices based in Thiès, Senegal, and commences in January 2020 for three years. The two inception workshops were held back-to-back and partially overlapping in the period 2–8 December 2019, in order to save on travel costs, minimise our environmental footprint and allow joint learning by the partners in the two projects. Three representatives from each of the coordinating partner organisations – responsible for project management, finance, and M&E – in each country plus the two Prolinnova Subregional Coordinators in Africa and two members of the International Support Team attended the workshops, with excellent English-French translation throughout. The venue in Centre Mampuya near Toubab Dialaw in Senegal, with its very good cuisine, were highly conducive for intensive discussions and planning for the coming three years.

The report on the SULCI-FaNS workshop can be found here. The report on the Proli-GEAFaSa workshop and other information about this project can be found on the webpage “PID in water management”.

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