The project “Strengthening Community Resilience to Change: Combining Local Innovative Capacity with Scientific Research” (CLIC–SR), supported by the Rockefeller Foundation, was completed on 31 August 2016. During the four years since 2012, the Prolinnova Country Platforms in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda made large strides in:
- strengthening the innovative capacity of small-scale farmers and their communities,
- strengthening the capacities of governmental and non-governmental organisations to support farmer-led innovation processes,
- increasing insights and awareness of the relevance and effectiveness of a Participatory Innovation Development (PID) approach in agricultural research and rural development, and
- mainstreaming PID in national policies and programmes through policy dialogue.
A total of eight cases of farmer-led joint experimentation in agriculture or NRM – two from each of the four Country Platforms involved – were brought together in the publication Compilation of cases of joint experimentation from Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.
The policy brief based on the CLIC-SR project can be found here.
The report that came out of the final evaluation of the project, carried out by Mutizwa Mukute from Zimbabwe, can be found here.
The project narrative report for the final period January–August 2016, including a summary analysis of project achievements during the entire period 2012–16, can be found here.