
Country Platforms

BENIN c/o Better Life NGO
Contact: Georges Djohy ( / Léonard Adje (

Contact: Augustin Ouedraogo (

CAMBODIA c/o Community Developer Organisation (CDO)
Contact: Math Alpy ( / Sam Vitou (

CAMEROON c/o COSADER & National Alliance against Hunger
Contact: Christine Andela ( / Jean Bosco Etoa (

DR CONGO c/o Sauti ya Mwanamke Kijijini / The voice of the rural woman (SAMWAKI)
Contact: Adeline Nsimire ( / Emma Cizungu (

ETHIOPIA c/o tbd
Contact: Elias Zerfu (

GHANA c/o Association of Church-Based Development Projects (ACDEP)
Contact: Malex Alebikiya ( / Joe Nchor (

INDIA SOUTH c/o Peermade Development Society
Contact: TJ James ( / Hubby Mathew (

KENYA c/o World Neighbors (WN)
Contact: Vincent Mariadho ( / Makonge Righa ( / Bell Okello (

MALI c/o ADAF-Gallè
Contact: Assétou Kanouté ( / Bourama Diakité (

MOZAMBIQUE c/o Centre for Theatre of the Oppressed (CTO)
Contact: Gilda Fafitine ( / / Romuald Rutazihana (

NEPAL c/o Nepal Permaculture Group (NPG)
Contact: Prem Thapa ( / Suman Manandhar  (

PHILIPPINES c/o International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR)
Contact: Emily Monville-Oro ( / Maggie Rosimo ( / Marie (Abbi) Cabriole (

SENEGAL c/o Agrecol–Afrique
Contact: Assane Guèye ( / Djibril Thiam (

SOUTH AFRICA c/o Institute of Natural Resources (INR)
Contact: Brigid Letty ( / Richard Chuene (

SUDAN c/o National Research Centre
Contact: Mawahib Ahmed ( / Mohamed Yousif Mabrouk (

UGANDA c/o Environmental Alert (EA)
Contact: Jacinta Nekesa ( / / Alex Lwakuba (

UNITED KINGDOM c/o Farmer-Led Innovation Network (FLIN)
Contact: Kate Pressland ( / Julie Ingram (

Regional Platforms

Prolinnova–Africa Subregional Taskforces / Support Teams

Eastern & Southern Africa

West & Central Africa

Prolinnova–Asia Regional Taskforce

International Support Team (IST)

Northern Focal Point: Agrecol Association for AgriCulture & Ecology, Guggenhausen, Germany – contact Fanos Mekonnen or Ann Waters-Bayer (see email addresses above)

Prolinnova Oversight Group (POG)

        POG secretariat: Chesha Wettasinha ( / Ann Waters-Bayer (

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