CLIC–SR 2014 coordination & co-learning meeting

The Prolinnova Country Platforms (CPs) in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda held a one-day regional project meeting for coordination of and co-learning from CLIC–SR (Combining Local innovation Capacities with Scientific Research) funded by Rockefeller Foundation, USA. The main topics covered this year were:

1) Strengthening capacities in Participatory Innovation Development (PID)
2) Linking farmer innovation with science through joint experimentation and Local Innovation Support Funds (LISFs)
3) Issues related to monitoring and evaluation, partnership and policy dialogue
4) The way forward for the final year of the project, planned to run until August 2015.

During the Prolinnova International Partners Workshop (IPW) immediately after their respective regional meetings, held simultaneously, the CPs involved in CLIC–SR in eastern Africa and LINEX–CCA (Local Innovation and Experimentation for Climate Change Adaptation) in southeast Asia facilitated a joint session on enhancing community resilience to externally driven change, climatic and otherwise.  

The report on the CLIC–SR meeting can be found here, and the session during the IPW 2014 on strengthening community resilience can be found here.

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