With funding from the 11th Hour Project of the Schmidt Family Foundation, Prolinnova–Kenya will host an International Farmer Innovation Fair and Conference (IFIF&C) on 8–10 April 2024 in Nairobi, Kenya. Farmer innovators from 11 of Prolinnova’s multistakeholder Country Platforms (CPs) in Africa will showcase their innovations in person. A 2-hour virtual session on 9 April will allow also some farmer innovators in Asian CPs to show their work. Alongside the Fair on Day 1 of the IFIF&C, there will be panel discussions among stakeholders in agricultural research and development (ARD), including farmers, to bring their perspectives on farmer-led participatory innovation development (i.e. PID). Day 2 will be completely devoted to the Fair. On Day 3 there will also be a day-long conference with keynote and poster presentations by ARD stakeholders about PID, culminating in a declaration on promoting local innovation and PID to develop good site-appropriate agroecology practices. The call for poster abstracts has been issued online and is attached.
The poster presentations should inform on the need for and possibility of integrating the PID approach into the ARD landscape in Africa and other parts of the world. The posters should focus on experiences in facilitating initiatives and processes of local innovation, farmer-led joint research and locally led adaptation related to agroecology / ecologically oriented agriculture and natural resource management.
If you would like to offer a poster, please send your abstract to Vincent Mariadho, the coordinator of Prolinnova-Kenya and of the IFIF&C (mariadhovincent@gmail.com / vmariadho@prolinnovakenya.co.ke), by 16 February 2024. Presenters will be informed by 23 Feb 2024 about acceptance.
Presenters will be expected to bear their own costs for attending the IFIF&C.
Further updates about the IFIF&C will be posted on the Prolinnova website under “Upcoming Events”.