Two articles about Prolinnova work in Eastern Africa and in West Africa were published in the March 2022 issue of the Appropriate Technology magazine:
- “Learning from Covid-19 to improve food and nutrition security”, about how Covid-19 has drawn attention to the importance of home-grown solutions to deal with effects of the pandemic, and thus increased also recognition of home-grown solutions in agriculture. Examples are a locally fabricated chicken-egg incubator and a locally developed trap to protect fruit trees from fruit-fly invasion.
- “Recognising farmer innovation in water management in northern Sahel”, about a fair held in the St Louis Region of northern Senegal to showcase local farmers’ innovations in managing water for agriculture. One example is a farmer group that came up with a way to reduce water wastage in irrigated rice production. Wide media coverage at the fair amplified the voices of family farmers calling for greater recognition of local innovation and its contribution to agricultural development.
These articles, both to be found here, were written by the national coordinators of Prolinnova projects:
- Scaling Up Local Capacity to Innovate in Food and Nutrition Security(SULCI-FaNS) in Kenya, Vincent Mariadho, and
- Promoting local innovation in water management in family farming in the Sahel (French acronym Proli-GEAFaSa) in Senegal, Ms Oumy Ndiaye.
In both cases, the Prolinnova Subregional Coordinators – Jacob Wanyama in Eastern & Southern Africa and Abdel Ali in West & Central Africa, respectively – provided support in preparing the articles.
Other Prolinnova articles published in the Appropriate Technology magazine can be found on this website by typing “appropriate technology” into the “Search” button.