Agrecol: Northern Focal Point of Prolinnova network

During the Prolinnova Oversight Group (POG) meeting and the International Partners Workshop (IPW) in Senegal in mid-May 2019, the Prolinnova network agreed to ask Agrecol Association for AgriCulture & Ecology to serve as the Northern Focal Point (NFP) for the network. The POG felt that Agrecol would be a very suitable “home” for the NFP, as Agrecol and Prolinnova share a similar philosophy.

At the meeting of the Agrecol Board and the annual meeting of Agrecol members in Goettingen, Germany, in late May, the similarities between Agrecol and Prolinnova in terms of values and interests were recognised and it was agreed that Agrecol Association would take on the role of NFP for the Prolinnova network. Agrecol Association is based in the town of Guggenhausen in southern Germany.

Both Agrecol–Afrique and Agrecol–Andes, which were established by Agrecol Association, have been part of the Prolinnova network for many years. Agrecol–Afrique coordinates the multistakeholder Country Platform (CP) in Senegal, and Agrecol–Andes coordinated the CP in Bolivia for some years before handing over to PRODII (Integrated Interdisciplinary Development Programme) but remained part of the National Steering Committee. So it is very fitting that Agrecol in Germany, the “mother organisation” of these two NGOs in Senegal and Bolivia, has now become the NFP for the Prolinnova network.

The regionalised structures of the network have taken over many of the tasks of the former Prolinnova International Secretariat, particularly in terms of managing projects and funds. Global coordination is maintained through the virtual International Support Team (IST). Agrecol Association is not a new international secretariat but rather a point of contact for communication with potential donors and other interested partners in the Global North. The persons handing the communication within the Prolinnova NFP at Agrecol are Chesha Wettasinha (based in the Netherlands) and Ann Waters-Bayer (based in Germany). Both are members of the IST, together with Annie Secretario (Philippines), Brigid Letty (South Africa), Jimmy Kouété Paul (Benin) and Jacob Wanyama (Kenya).

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