About the Senegal Country Platform

The entry themes of Prolinnova-Senegal (formerly called PROFEIS – Promoting Farmer Experimentation and Innovation in the Sahel) differ according to region: (1) Kaolack and Fatick Regions: conservation and regeneration of natural resources (soil and water) in millet- and peanut-dominated farming systems; (2) Thiès and Diourbel Regions: enhancing the value of indigenous woody species in the agroforestry systems of the peanut basin.

Soil fertility is a cross-cutting theme, because it an essential condition for the success of innovation on conservation and regeneration of natural resources and for the value of indigenous woody species.

Since then, the initiative has opened up to other themes judged relevant in Senegal, looking at both technical and socio-organisational innovation.

Prolinnova-Senegal (then PROFEIS) received funding from Misereor up to 2012. Some external funding for its work in subsequent years came through a collaboration agreement between Prolinnova and CCAFS (Climate Change Agriculture & Food Security) Research Program of the CGIAR and the Global Resilience Challenge Programme Agro-écologie+6 together with Groundswell International. It is now involved in – and coordinating – the Proli-GEAFaSa (Promoting local innovation in water management by family farmers in the Sahel) project in Burkina Faso and Senegal, funded by Misereor.

The Country Platform in Senegal has hosted the Prolinnova International Partners Workshop (IPW) in 2007, 2016 and 2019, in the last-mentioned case with support from Misereor, and also hosted the inception workshops for two new Prolinnova projects in December 2019.

Member organisations of Prolinnova-Senegal

  • Agrecol Afrique
  • AgriBio Services
  • ANCAR (Agence nationale de conseil agricole et rurale / National agricultural & rural advisory agency)
  • CEEDD (Centre d’écoute et d’encadrement pour le développement durable / Listening & coaching centre for sustainable development)
  • Centre Mampuya
  • Centre Sahel Vert
  • CRABES (Centre de ressources en agriculture biologique et économie sociale et solidaire / Resource centre for organic farming and social & solidarity economy)
  • Département de Biologie Végétale / Dept of Plant Biology, University of Dakar
  • ENSA (École nationale supérieur d’agriculture / National school of agriculture), University of Thiès
  • ESEA (École supérieure d’économie appliquée / School of applied economics)
  • FENAB (Fédération nationale de l’agriculture biologique / National federation of organic farming)
  • FONGS (Fédération des organisations non gouvernementales du Senegal / Federation of NGOs in Senegal)
  • GREEN Sénégal (Groupe de recherche et d’études environnementales / Group for environmental research & studies)
  • REFABEC (Réseau des femmes pour l’agriculture biologique et le commerce équitable / Women’s network for organic farming & fair trade)
  • RENOLSE (Réseau des organisations de lutte contre la soudure et l’endettement / Network of organisations against seasonal hunger & debt)
  • SOLEIL Association de Développement / Development Association
  • Yeesal AgriHub

National Steering Committee:

  1. Assane Guéye, Agrecol Afrique
  2. Babacar Guéye, AgriBio Services / CRABES
  3. (Ms) Bineta Mbengue, ANCAR
  4. Ibrahima Diedhiou, ENSA–University of Thiès – NSC Chair
  5. Ibrahima Seck, FENAB
  6. Ousseynou Gueye, FONGS
  7. Samba Mbaye, RENOLSE
  8. (Ms) Waré Gana Seck, GREEN Sénégal

Ex-officio member: Djibril Thiam, AgriBio Services, Country Platform Coordinator

Earlier Prolinnova/PROFEIS-Senegal reports and manuals can be found in the PROFEIS Archives on this website.

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