In 2005, the regional network Prolinnova–Andes (composed of partners in Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador) was created to promote local innovation processes and to learn from each other about farmer-led participatory innovation development (PID). Since then, some activities at regional and national level were carried out, including two regional workshops in 2005 and 2008 and an International Seminar on Participatory Methodological Processes in Peru in 2008.
The activities in Peru were coordinated by the RAAA (Red de Acción en Agricultura Alternativa / Network for Action in Alternative Agriculture) based in Lima. However, the regional collaboration then went dormant for a few years.
In 2017, the NGO World Neighbors invited people from farmer organisations, Peruvian NGOs, academia and government agencies to two workshops to discuss re-activating collaboration within Peru in the form of an independent Prolinnova Country Platform (CP). The workshop participants set up a Working Group and a National Steering Committee, agreed on common aims and joint activities, and applied to the Prolinnova Oversight Group (POG) to be recognised as a CP. In February 2018, the POG officially welcomed Prolinnova–Peru to the international community of practice.
Prolinnova–Peru seeks to learn more about how indigenous communities use their knowledge to find solutions to improve their food security and livelihoods through agriculture and natural resource management, and how international and local NGOs, academia, government agencies and the private sector can support the communities in addressing these issues. We will engage in action research with indigenous peoples around local knowledge and innovation and help policymakers incorporate this approach into national policies.
Current partners in Prolinnova–Peru are Los Chakas Savings & Credit Cooperative, Villa Hermosa Farmers Association, Centre for Agricultural Development (CEDAP), National University of San Cristobel de Huamanga, Asociación Bartolomé Aripailla (ABA), Lamlama Farmers Association, Solid Perú and World Neighbors, which is the host organisation for the CP. The group is open to further partners with similar interests and aims.
As of 2019, the National Steering Committee and Working Group members are as follows:
National Steering Committee
National Coordinator: Lionel Vigil
World Neighbors
Finance: Angel Sulca Palomino
Los Chankas Savings & Credit Cooperative
Secretary: Jorge Lima Luque
Villa Hermosa Farmers Association
National Working Group
Jose Alayo Mencia (CEDAP)
Center for Agricultural Development (CEDAP)
Raul Arronez Quispe
Universidad Nacional San Cristobal de Huamanga
Lorenzo Nuñez Huamani
Asociación Bartolomé Aripailla (ABA)
Rufino Lloclla Salcedo
Lamlama Farmers Association
Efrain Avendaño Torres
Soil Peru