2004 Mid-year Report

Uganda Country Platform

Formation of National Steering Committee

The nominees for the National Steering Committee were proposed and letters requesting their participation on the committee dispatched. Half have positively responded to-date.

The full list is namely:

  • National Agricultural Research Organisation
  • National Agricultural Advisory Services
  • Uganda Local Authorities Association (local government)
  • Makerere University Institute of Environmental Natural Resources
  • CIAT (IARS) – Local Innovator
  • Private Sector Development Foundation
  • Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST)

Communication and information

A Prolinnova brochure is in the process of being updated and published.


The Africa Highland Initiative committed itself to partner with Prolinnova in the area of exhibitions on local innovations. Furthermore, meetings were held with the Deputy Director of NARO on Prolinnova and synergies were identified. NARO accepted to participate actively in Prolinnova work at the level of Core Team and National Steering Committee.

Coordination and management

Ronald Lutalo has been recruited on a part-time basis as Prolinnova Uganda Coordinator. The Africa Highland Initiative came on board as a core team member to promote synergism between the initiatives. Two Core Team meetings have been given the task of planning the implementation of the project and constituting a National Steering Committee.Prolinnova Uganda has finalised the 2004 workplan details and the MOUs have been developed and finalised with Core Team partners.Prolinnova Uganda is currently in the process of writing a project concept to tap on the DURAS funding.

Local innovation practices

A survey of local innovations in the country will be completed by the end of August.

Training of facilitators

Two persons, one from the secretariat office (Environmental Alert) and another from the Africa 2000 network, participated in a two-week training of facilitators in Participatory Innovation Development held at IIRR in the Philippines.

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