Working Paper 1: Experiences with Farmer Experimental Design Workshops in Egypt
Working Paper 2: Farmer Experimental Design Workshop for the LEINUTS project in Kenya
Working Paper 3: Trying out PTD with NGOs in Peru and Bolivia
Working Paper 4: Building capacity in participatory approaches
Working Paper 5: Participatory Technology Development in Cameroon: the route and milestones in the process of its institutionalisatioin
Working Paper 6: Towards sustainable development in Mahaweli settlements through farmer participation
Working Paper 7: PTD For sustainable dryland agriculture in South India: balancing our way to scale
Working Paper 8: Participatory evaluation with pastoralists in Eastern Sudan
Working Paper 9: Farmer Access to Innovation Resources (FAIR): findings from an international review of experiences
Working Paper 10: Strengthening Prolinnova policy dialogue and advocacy strategy
Working Paper 11: Research to promote local innovation: the case of siella mineral lick for livestock in northern Ghana
Working Paper 12: Harnessing local and outsiders’ knowledge: experiences of multi-stakeholder partnership to promote farmer innovation in Ethiopia
Working Paper 13: Recognising and enhancing local innovation processes
Working Paper 14: Reflections on the FAIR project
Working Paper 15: Synergies between supporting endogenous development and participatory innovation development as methodologies for understanding and improving rural livelihoods
Working Paper 16: Prolinnova: building partnerships to promote local innovation processes
Working Paper 17: PID in water management
Working Paper 18: Innovation in agriculture and NRM in communities confronting HIV/AIDS: a review of international experience
Working Paper 19: Desarrollo Participativo de Innovación – PID in Spanish
Working Paper 20: The Cambodian experience in piloting Local Innovation Support Funds
Working Paper 21: The Ethiopian experience in piloting Local Innovation Support Funds
Working Paper 22: FAIR in South Africa: synthesis of lessons learnt
Working Paper 23: Documentation of the FAIR pilot programme in Uganda (1.50 MB)
Working Paper 24: FAIR: synthesis of lessons learnt (1.21 MB)
Working Paper 25: Sharing the Ghana experience
Working Paper 26: Cross-visits in South Africa
Working Paper 27: Fish smoking in the banda in Niger (French)
Working Paper 28: Enhancing local innovation in water productivity in crop-livestock systems
Working Paper 29: Recognising and enhancing local innovation in managing agricultural biodiversity
Working Paper 30: Local Innovation and Participatory Innovation Development: some frequently asked questions /
Working Paper 31: Institutionalisation of Participatory Innovation Development: experiences of the Provincial Department of Agriculture, Takeo Province, Cambodia (1.23 MB)
Working Paper 32: Assessing the level of institutionalising Participatory Innovation Development in Tahtay Maychew District, Tigray, Ethiopia
Working Paper 33: Participatory Innovation Development in the face of HIV/AIDS: synthesis of findings and outcomes (2 MB)
Working Paper 34: Integrating PID into education and training: modules and materials (2.17 MB)
Working Paper 35: Influencing policy towards farmer-led approaches
Working Paper 36: Understanding how multistakeholder partnerships work: Prolinnova experiences in East Africa
Working Paper 37: Assessing the institutionalisation of Participatory Innovation Development: a tool
Working Paper 38: Institutionalising PID in a nongovernmental and a governmental organisation in northern Ghana