The 12th European IFSA (International Farming Systems Association) Symposium was hosted by the Harper Adams University in Newport, UK, on 12-15 July 2016 on the theme “Social and technological transformation of farming systems: diverging and converging pathways”.
Ann Waters-Bayer of Prolinnova co-organised one of the workshops on “Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) for learning and innovation”. This workshop asked whether, for whom and how aspects of M&E help understand and foster learning and innovation. In this workshop, Chesha Wettasinha presented a paper co-authored by several Prolinnova International Support Team members and supporters on “Small-scale farmers’ perspectives on what enhances capacity to innovate”. The paper was based on interviews done by Jean-Marie Diop at the West African Farmer Innovation Fair in May 2015 in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.