Six cases of local innovation in Enebse Sar Midir, Ethiopia

In Enebse Sar Midir District of Amhara Region, Ethiopia, the community-based organisation (CBO) Alem Birhan Self-Help Community-Based Development Association is facilitating the Rockefeller Foundation-supported project “Strengthening resilience to change: Combining Local Innovative Capacity with Scientific Research” (CLIC–SR). As part of this project, a multidisciplinary team from the CBO, a university, an agricultural college and a development project who partner in Prolinnova identified several innovations that rural men and women in the district have developed on their own in response to change.

The report “Documentation of local innovation and Participatory Innovation Development (PID)” brings a description of the six local innovations that the team judged to be most interesting for sharing with others farmers in the region and/or as a starting point for farmer-led PID together with university staff or other researchers and extensionists. The selected innovations are: a modified beehive, an irrigation canal built across rocky terrain, a row-sowing implement, biological pest control in haricot beans and in controlling ticks on livestock, and using local materials to make furniture for the home.

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