Some results of Prolinnova’s exploratory study into local innovation in the face of climate change were presented by Yohannes GebreMichael (University of Addis Ababa) from Prolinnova-Ethiopia at the recent conference on “The Future of Pastoralism in Africa”, held 21–23 March 2011 at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
It was convened by the Future Agricultures Consortium (FAC) of the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, and the Feinstein International Centre (FAC) of Tufts University. In the session on “Pastoralist Innovation”, Yohannes presented a paper entitled “More than climate change: pressures leading to innovation by pastoralists in Ethiopia and Niger”. One of the co-authors was Saidou Magagi from Prolinnova-Niger. The session included numerous other examples of pastoralist innovation in response to both pressures and opportunities. However, there were few examples of support being given by outsiders to these endogenous processes, including facilitation of community reflection on the negative impacts of some innovation, e.g. privatisation of common property resources.
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