A new NGO partner called ‘Contribution au Développement Local Durable’ (CDLD) has joined recently Prolinnova-Niger. A farmer innovator day was held in Takalahia in October 2009. Participants were farmer innovators from Boumba, Garin Bourtou and Takalahia and members of the Union of farmer innovators who held its first meeting extended to Head of the village of Takalahia, President of CDLD, Vice Mayor of Dioudiou and representatives of technical services and coordination of Prolinnova-Niger. The farmer innovation day led to evaluate, and share the results of joint experimentations on Cassava in Takalahia and to implement new joint experiments. As a follow-up of the literacy training that was initiated by Prolinnova-Niger, two rural libraries are now opened in the village of Boumba and Takalahia with the support of Inspection of rural literacy, a partner of Prolinnova-Niger in Gaya (Pole West). These rural libraries will be managed by farmers themselves and open to all farmer villagers. In the framework of FLD project, four participatory videos have been produced in 2009. Joint experimentations are still on-going in Poles West and East. A PID refresher course had been organized end of 2009. Now Prolinnova-Niger is prepared to welcome next cross-visits from Nigeria, Ghana and Sudan.