Emily Monville Oro (emily.monville@iirr.org) from Prolinnova–Philippines has been named by the Prolinnova Country Platforms (CPs) in Asia as the person to take the seat for Asian CPs in the Prolinnova Oversight Group (POG).
Emily is Country Director of the Philippine Program of the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR). She has over two decades of experience in public health, rural development, clinical nursing, disaster-risk reduction and capacity development. She gained her Masters in Public Health with a full scholarship from the James P. Grant School of Public Health at BRAC University in Bangladesh. Her work is focused in Asia, particularly in the Philippines, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Indonesia, China, Malaysia, Cambodia and Pakistan. Emily is a strong advocate and practitioner of the value of networking and partnerships as a way to leverage more benefits for the poor. She belongs to Partners for Resilience (PfR) in the Philippines and the Philippine Coalition of Advocates for Nutrition Security (PHILCAN). She has a special interest in community-managed disaster-risk reduction, school nutrition and ways to engage local governments in local-level platforms. She manages IIRR programmes in two sites in the Philippines dealing with climate-smart agriculture, agriculture-nutrition linkages and linking relief and development.
Upon request by the Asian CPs, Emily is also coordinating regional Prolinnova initiatives in Asia,such as the plans currently being developed to hold a farmer innovation fair in Asia.
In the POG, Emily replaces Sonali Bisht from India, who held the Asian CP seat in the POG for the past one and a half years and also held the NGO seat in the Steering Committee of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR). We thank Sonali for keeping the Prolinnova network informed about the GFAR and vice versa, as well as for her contributions to informing the CSO Group on Agricultural Research and Development (CSO-GARD).