New Oversight Group members elected

The Prolinnova Oversight Group (POG) met face-to-face in Bamako, Mali in March 2012. This governance body is made up of elected representatives of the Prolinnova Country Platforms (CPs) in the different regions and three independent members elected by the CPs.  

As part of a packed 1.5-day agenda, the POG discussed findings of the recent research into Prolinnova multistakeholder partnerships and suggested ways of generating resources for prioritised activities. It welcomed a new CP into the network: Prolinnova-India. It thanked the outgoing POG co-chair Scott Killough from World Neighbors (USA) and welcomed the incoming co-chair Marise Espinelli from the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (Philippines). Susan Kaaria from Ford Foundation (Kenya) remains co-chair for another year. In March, Prolinnova CPs elected two new POG members to replace those whose terms had come to an end: Amanuel Assefa from Prolinnova-Ethiopia replaces Brigid Letty from Prolinnova-South Africa as representative of the anglophone CPs, and Julian Gonsalves from India (based in the Philippines) replaces Oliver Oliveros from the Philippines (based in France) as one of the independent members of the POG. Brigid played a key role in coordinating the development of the Prolinnova strategy for 2011–15. Oliver has been a staunch advocate of Prolinnova since its “birth”, and will remain in close contact. Thus, the POG “family” that is supporting the network is growing, as is the network itself.

Link to where the new POG members are introduced:

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