A regional workshop bringing together African Country Platforms (CPs) was held on 26–28 October 2020. It had originally been planned to be hosted by Prolinnova–Cameroon, but – because of the travel restrictions in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic – had to be held on the Zoom platform. The virtual workshop was organised and facilitated by the two Prolinnova Subregional Coordinators in Africa, Abdel-Karim Ali Mahamane (West & Central Africa) and Jacob Wanyama (Eastern & Southern Africa).
During the workshop, the CPs shared and reviewed their activities and lessons learned in promoting farmer innovation and farmer-led joint research and made plans on subregional and regional level for the next year. The discussions also allowed the CPs to gain a better understanding of the regionalisation process within the Prolinnova network and to assess progress to date.
The final report of the workshop (46pp) can be found here. A 2-page summary can be found here in English, French and Portuguese.
The PPT presentations made during the workshop can be found under IPW Resources.