Members of the Prolinnova Country Platforms (CPs) in Cambodia, India and Nepal involved in the LINEX–CCA (Local INnovation and EXperimentation for Climate Change Adaptation) project supported by Misereor, Germany, met on 25 May 2013, before the Prolinnova International Partners Workshop (IPW). The coordinators Suman Manandhar (LI-BIRD, Nepal), Sonali Bisht (INHERE, India) and Sam Vitou (CEDAC, Cambodia), and Chesha Wettasinha (ETC Foundation, Netherlands) took part. The main issues discussed were: community perceptions on effects of climate change identified through the field studies; local innovation to adapt to these effects and how it can be supported through a process of participatory innovation development (PID); and capacity building of communities and local stakeholders to engage in a process of PID.
The Asian CP partners of LINEX–CCA and the CP partners in the CLIC–SR (Combining Local Innovative Capacity with Scientific Research) project in eastern Africa held parallel meetings, with a joint session on monitoring and evaluation facilitated by Prolinnova International Support Team member Marise Espineli from IIRR in the Philippines.
During the IPW, the CPs involved in LINEX–CCA in Asia and CLIC–SR in eastern Africa jointly facilitated a session on local innovation and PID as a means of strengthening resilience of local communities to change. Read more on this session at the IPW in the workshop report.